A big, warm thanks to everyone that trooped out to the no. 9 Ale House in Malden to catch our shows. It was a long day/night, but well worth it. Heads definitely came through for our all ages jam; and the beautiful ladies were in full-effect at our night show. Extra special props to those that, like myself, braved drunken exhaustion and made it out to both shows.
Musically, both shows were exceptionally ill. Big ups to the homies Supraliminal, Shurm, and Green for holding it down as usual during our all ages event. Thanks to Luau for just completely rocking the place. And mad love to Diatribe for the surprise performance- too fresh! Somerville, Revere, and NH were definitely in the house. Familiar faces def set off the evening event. Big thanks to Usual Suspecktz (Shivaa, Medisin Man, and Mr. Keyes), OptimisGFN, and Jacques LaROQ. Much love to Nobody Cares for coming down from NH to rock with Outwrite - catch it again on April 30th at O'Briens. B.O.S. was in full-effect: peace to the Skwad: Sylence, X-product, and Topic. Also, much love to Vice Verses for their dope performance. They delivered some genuine hip hop goodies for your eardrums (also, good luck tonight in portland).
Special thanks to the staff- Nikki Stone, Amy, Laura, ect. ect. It was a great time, as usual. Extra ups to our homie Matt for holding down the door from 4pm til 1am! Peace to AdamHMR, Unkel Jerry, and everyone that assisted on the back-end with promo, ect.
In closing, we'd like to remind you that we will be BACK at the Ale House in support of the Usual Supecktz new mixtape, Musica De Luxe, on April 26th- with B.O.S., Codenine, Rebels of the Lost Ark, and Mistress. So come out again and catch the action. This time, I can't promise I won't strip, but my Britney Spears dance will probably be perfected.
ReCaaLL the Albatroid Hawk
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