From Mister Salty's Blog:
"So for the past two years or so I've been working on this project of home recordings called Tobacco Road. It's just some grimey ole four track shit out of the bedroom. Some say the songs are pretty good. The whole thing started about three months after I returned from Bellingham, Washington where me and Bless One had just wrapped up recording on "Uneeda Biscuit". While teaching a high school English course on The Great Gatsby, I found via internet some really dope beats by an old friend from Cali, Stay Fresh, through his newly created Myspace account. I was really enamored with this one beat he'd made called "Pieta", and I thought it was one of the dopest musical pieces I'd ever heard.
I ended up burning the beat to a disc, and one cold winter day after a lecture I gave on Nick Carraway's lack/abundence of moral credibility [Gatsby stuff, who gives a fuck], I went to the Boston Commons and sat on a bench and stared at the pond for a long time with "Pieta" knocking in the headphones. It was still really cold but I could feel that the spring was coming and I wanted to write some rhymes about how happy I was about that. I ended up with the lyrics for a song called "Cheers!", which was meant to be a sort of Native American style ode to the changing of the seasons, with some personal politics mixed in and some stuff about lonely drinking nights at New England bars.
I recorded the lyrics in my bedroom and added a Public Enemy sample or two with a bit of Oprah Winfrey for good measure, and the song was a done deal. At the time I had no way to put anything on a computer so I did it the real way, dubbed the track on to a TDK cassette and sent it to Stay Fresh, who was in Santa Cruz at the time. I found out that the homie MCK had already done a song over the exact same beat, and it was really dope too. Probably that's the kind of beat where nobody could do anything wack on it: anyone who's willing to approach the motherfucker had better come up with some good lines, or face immediate evaporation via cosmic retribution.
Well, Stay Fresh sent me some more beats, and then he slipped a CDR of beats under my Dad's doorstep in the Summer of '06 while I was staying out there on the couch for a minute, and goddam, I was floored by his beats because they are very good. I smoked a lot of cigarettes that year and wrote rhymes to those rhythms, and found myself smoking a lot and robotripping once in a while and recording songs, enjoying things.
Then when New Year's 2007 came I made a vow to quit smoking, and I was fairly impressive in a cold turkey dash at the beginning of the year. I didn't have much to do with my hands so I started making beats a lot to keep my mind off those cigarettes. I was really tweaking out, but sampling the fuck out of all these records and making beats that seemed pretty good. I wrote a lot of bugged out rhymes around then, just dumb whiteboy shit about feeling guilty about spending money, and how to talk to aliens and shit, thinking about how I wish the laws of physics would change. So I recorded that shit that summer.
Then I did a couple more songs and beats and holy mother shit cow, I had quite a pile of songs on my hands. Now I was smoking cigarettes again sometimes and we had really come full circle. Well, I decided, let's make the motherfucker symmetrical, as we all know the human eye craves. So I've got this album now, you see. Seven beats by Stay Fresh with rhymes I did when I was smoking, and seven beats by me with rhymes when I was trying not to smoke. It didn't mean to be a concept album, but life in general always displays circular qualities, and sometimes the puzzle's box does not appear until all of its pieces have been fragmented.
So I guess it's time to print these motherfuckers up and see if anyone wants to listen to it. Oh, and did I mention that Shortrock did all this amazing turntable ish all over the songs? And that Red Fox guest stars on this ill track about being in your twenties? For my money this record is pretty good. It's the kind of thing where I could die and be like, "Well, at least I did something while I was Earth-stuck." And it will be done soon. It's in the post-production world now. And thanks for reading this whole thing; you are a friend of mine if you made it that far.
Much love to you all,
Mister Salt."
We will keep you posted with updates. Don't forget to check out Mister Salty at the record release party for Top Choice Clique, sept. 6th @ the no.9 Ale House, 118 Ferry St. Malden MA.
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